Power-sonic will be technically so sound with competitive price and strong after sales service so that locally and globally they will be an example.
Our mission is to lighting every corner of the country with IT based latest technology so that our country develops very fast. We also like to ensure job/work for every one so that no body thinks about corruption rather every body dreams for their better and safe future.
History of the company
As Bangladesh is a developing country so she needs development in every sector to come in line of developed country within short span of time. Being a technical person, we should come forward because to achieve any development, technical support is the prime condition.
Therefore, Power-Sonic born in 1997 with products for immediate solution to electricity hazard. Thereafter it spreads it wings in different sectors with total solution for electrical, electronics, electro-mechanical, mechanical, chemical, power generation and also IT.
We ensure Best quality, Competitive Price and Strong Life Time After Sales Service. As a result we have earned much reputation from our customers for their entire satisfaction on the performance of our products & Services.
We have a group of well trained Engineers & Technicians with sufficient manufacturing, testing and measuring machineries/equipment/tools to ensure service to our customers with support of well educated & experienced management, technical and marketing teams under proper guidance of the CEO of the group who is an graduate engineer having training in Switzerland, Italy, Singapore, India, China, Bangladesh.
Now, Power-Sonic becomes a group of companies and more than 100 peoples are working in the group and we are expecting that our employment will be raised to 1000 by 2020.Our motto is to generate employment to serve the nation and to take part in the national economic growth of our country.
The Group
Considering local and global demand Power-Sonic is always trying to introduce latest technology, best quality materials to improve highest quality of the products with competitive price. So, power-sonic is always looking for new & reliable technology, alternative materials, improved/efficient way of works to make world class products with competitive price. So, power-sonic become a group with following companies: